Friday, September 26, 2008
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 3:37 PM
I was so pissed just now D:
Cause when I bought peach milk tea for "Passion Smoothie",
I wasn't given any pearls.
It's really common sense to give your customers the pearls if they do not mention anything about it.
She asked Shirmine if she wanted pearls.

But didn't ask me.
So i presumed she knew i wanted pearls.
I'm kinda a regular customer,
you know.

Oh & Wifey was at the library with me just now.
But i wanted to change place.
So i brought all my things over.
But what i didn't know was that i had left my precious handphone behind D:
& i happily continued with my homework.

After Wifey had left for her tuition,
& i was also preparing to leave,
I felt my pocket.
It was EMPTY!!! ):
I panicked.
I fumbled through my bag.
But to no avail.

I was at a loss of what to do.
I met a librarian.
& i just asked her if a handphone had been returned.
Our conversation went a little like this:
( I just love telling you guys the real thing :D)

Me: Excuse me, may i know if a handphone has been returned?
She: What's the colour?
Me: Grey, with a little orange.
She: Are there any stickers on it?
Me: Yes. There is a sticker, with my Chinese name. Lin JiaBao.
She: Come with me.

We went to the concierge counter & she took my baby out of a drawer.
She passed it to me.
"You dropped it over there. (Pointing to her left) Some one returned it. Be more careful next time."
"Thank you!!!"

We were finally reunited.
I was so petrified.
Thank goodness i found it back.
& i really wanna thank the kind soul.
You rock! :D

What i have learnt from this lesson is that:
1) I must be more careful in the future.
2) I must return everything i find.
3) Honesty is the best policy! :D

I'm really thankful to the person who kindly returned my handphone instead of keeping it for himself/herself.
So I now know how people feel when they have been returned their things.
It's really a sense of gratefulness + happiness.

& it really gives you the urge to help others too.
SO.. the next time you find something,
be it a wallet, handphone or even a set of keys,