Wednesday, November 4, 2009 Full Circle
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:07 PM
Look, people.
It's always the same old vicious cycle that we all go through.
Or maybe it's just me..
When we're hard at studying, we wish so very hard for the holidays to arrive.
And now that the holidays have finally arrived, we, or maybe just I LONGGGG for the school to reopen.

I mean what is everyone even up to at home?
It's just the computer and I. (And not to mention my eyesight deteriorating)
And going out may not always be the solution.
Firstly, it burns a hole in your pocket.
Secondly, it isn't exactly much fun either..
But it really does depend on whether you have activities lines up for the day.
Whatever the case is, I sure hope I can cope with my studies next year..

Alright, I'm off!
Byeeee!!~ :D