A journey without a destination.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Extremely BoReD...
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:24 AM
There's nothing to do as i have finished my homework.My friends are not online except for a few who are just people who both parties add to his/her contact list,but we just don't really talk.Talked to edmund.Just after a few minutes of conversation,he wanted to play games.zz..SO BORED!!!!What can i do to keep myself occupied? Sudoku?Maybe i'll play neopets to earn more neopoints...i wanna achieve my target of Ulimate riches.To achieve that, i'll have to earn 10,000,000!!! That is ten million!!! Seems hard to achieve eh?Well i have better "get to work" now...Bye!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:18 AM
Have not blogged in 6 days...realized that i can only blog on weekends as on weekdays I'll be too lazy or most of the time, rushing with my homework be it English or Chinese...the work madam chua gave us this weekend is more than that of last weekend.English PSLE booklet,Maths textbook (quite a few questions) to be done in maths 1 or 2,Science test book(loads of pages) and spelling to be tested on Monday...Thirty words to memorize!!! Seriously stressed and freaked out...But 4 Chinese, only Xi Zi...easy...just took approximately 8 minutes to finish it...hope I'll get an "A" this time round. I've only gotten 4 "A" in this entire year...pathetic eh?...oh...the word "pathetic" is tested on Monday...guess i still have 29 words to memorize...can't blog further...bye!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 11:48 AM
Meix...failing your higher chinese...i know that it's a big blow to you but DO take it in your stride...Chinese is hard but interesting...the idioms are so meaningful and some are even funny...the thing is....focus more on your chinese then...spend more time on it, and you will grow to love it...trust me...actually now, i'm kinda interested in chinese culture...in tea-making and calligraphy...and...don't be too negative a person...be OPTIMISTIC!!!...ok meix?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
So many homework!!!
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 9:57 AM
Woah! Mdm Chua loaded us with three practice papers, English, maths and science.she also gave us an additional science worksheet.I guess she wants to torture us to death. But can't blame her either. Prelims and PSLE is coming also. She is also under stress. So I must not slack and be more hardworking. I must change my lazy self to become a useful person.Maybe as I was too lazy, I fell sick. SO, I must work hard extremely hard to get good grades. Monday, art. Good! I can finally paint in 2 years. Gosh. My painting is gonna be atrocious. =P...oh well...got to go...bye!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
please read!!!
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:32 PM
Soon is starting 2 talk 2 me...perhaps she has not forgiven me...but i do appreciate her tolerance towards me...at least she is willing to talk 2 me...i feel contented...Tian nee n Tian min are such great friends...Tian nee helps me in English,mathematics and science while her twin sister helps me in Chinese...i treasure them...then there's Li ping and Pei jun...they are equally good..there's also Tresa and Pei Yan...6 of them are my EXTREMELY good friends...they spend recess with me...and give me the warmth of friendship...i love u guys!!! Well...i mean girls...haha...Zhi Yin is also a very nice girl...i asked her 2 help me find out if a person detests me...but she insists that she would not do it as it would hurt me...thanks girl!...check back soon...byee!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 3:54 PM
cry!!!...so unlucky...i was using the computer when i heard i "crack" sound...guess what it was? my wrist is twisted!!! it's so....painful at the moment...and i'm practically struggling to write this entry...sob!...why must this misfortune happen on me?
cutie pies...
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 1:38 PM
![]() today, i keep writing entries after entries...because i'm bored? well, i think so too...particularly with a picture...this picture is like....super cute...the puppies...they're so...sweet...love them...if u want those cute pictures, go to...http://www.imagechef.com/...find the one you like!!! there're plenty there for u to choose from...happy picking!!!
my greatest wish
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 1:03 PM
![]() you definately recognise this picture...it's from the computer itself...i always look forward to this time of the day...where all my troubles seem 2 fade away...how i wish 2 admire this scenery every single day...
ello? is any1 reading my blog?
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 12:38 PM
![]() nothing much 2 rite since i no that no 1 would even realise the existence of my blog...so bored. well...should always look on the brighter side of life rite?...be optimistic...well,...at least i still have 3 friends which i can trust.not much but still...at least i have 3...I'm sure that they wouldn't do anything 2 harm me...i trust them whole heartedly...there ain't no room to suspect them...they R my friends....i no that i have offended a LOT of people...but what's done cannot b undone...i have nothing else 2 offer except a "sorry"....i wish 2 just sit back, relax n have a cup of hot and piping tiramisu....with my name on it of course...hahas...=)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
the world is crashing down on me
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:29 PM
yes...u may indeed be gloating over my plight now.yes,...i agree...my attitude is like super....no good...i admit.cause i am born like tt.so no matter how many "sorry~s" i say now wouldn't even help a wincy little bit.what can i do? u have every rite 2 hate me. y? b cause it is ur heart n ur mind. u have every rite 2 do so.... |