A journey without a destination.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The alarm goes off
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:01 PM
Okay, I'm back again! :DToday, we were given a Geography worksheet from Mr Low. And I couldn't answer a single question. That really served as a wake up call for me. Imagine if that were the actual questions in the Geography exam, what was I going to do? Now the only way is to self-study. In school life, it's always either of this: 1) You're a complete genius and can get A1s even though you skip classes. 2) You depend mostly on your subject teacher or your tuition teachers. So in other words, without them, you're toast. I fall in category number 2, which majority of people do. So without being taught properly, it means that I'm dead meat. And the ONLY solution out of this mess is to do SELF-REVISION. And therefore, I will have to study my guts out for the next 3 days. The studying continues all the way till the end of the exams, of course. I do hope I can stick to my plan. :P And today, I screwed up - again. .__. I said 3 year old!! D: Ugh.. Okay, only 3 other YEC members would understand :D Why on earth do I keep messing things up?! Bleah :P
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 11:56 PM
Happy Birthday, XinRong! :DI'm super handworking today! :D After I reached home at 7pm, I immediately took a bath and started on my homework. :D Then I did them all the way till 11pm. I've just had my late dinner - As per usual. And here I am now, blogging. It's quite a good idea actually. To get my sister to hog the computer so I wouldn't have a chance nor be tempted to use it ^^ Toodles~ Off to dreamland! :D
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Mid-year examinations" are in the air
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:34 PM
OMG.9 more days to MYEs. And yes. The same line. I HAVE NOT STARTED STUDYING! .__. Oh man. Don't be surprised if I flunk my papers. D:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A little relieved
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:05 PM
Hello :DI have officially started studying for the MYEs as of today. And it feels good! :D However, it only lasted for 3 hours, with breaks in between ): Furthermore, it was carried out OUT of the boundaries of my house. Seriously. This computer is DISTRACTING. XP But of course, ESSENTIAL in every teenager's life! :D I having major problems in Geography, since all we ever do in is class in copy. Copying from the screen and copying from our textbooks. What can anyone actually learn in his class? XP And the other subject, CHINESE! -.-" Oh well. I will get up at 9.30am sharp tomorrow and leave the house by 10.15am. ( If only I can make myself get out of bed :X ) Then I will study till 6pm! Woo hoo! :D ( P.S : I don't even think this plan would work. Just assuming :D ) Okay! Gotta make a move! Tata~ :D
Friday, April 24, 2009
Totally Screwed.
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 7:10 PM
Oh man.I screwed up today. I shall not have any hope, for the higher it is, the harder the fall. Can't believe I said LKY! D: Arghh.. *bangs head against the wall*
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Short post
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:42 PM
Happy Birthday, Alicia! :DI'm currently rushing out my Literature and English Summary. Busy, but i'm feeling restless and slacking. 19 more days till Mid-Year Examinations. I have not started revising. Sigh. .__.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Busy, busy, busy day!
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 11:52 PM
Whoots! I'm back but exhausted D:Went for the National Environmental Quiz at Nan Hua High School today. (Woah, that's quite a mouthful!) Obviously we didn't win anything, as we were competing against schools like Raffles .__. But we're tried our best, and that's all that matters! :D Will post pictures up later! :D After that, Mr Low treat the three of us to jelly cocktail. (Us = Gabriel Lim, Xue Qi & myself) So nice of him :D Then we parted. Gabriel Lim & Mr Low went off, while XueQi bought some chicken rice. We then went into this mini shopping centre and slacked for about 1 hour plus at the second floor :D Will post pictures up later on too! :D Slacked at mom's work place, then reached home at 8.20pm. Bathed, and started doing IPW until NOW!! D: Oh well, it's going to end soon! So I'll just hang in there for a while longer (: So that's about it! :D Bye bye! :D
Friday, April 17, 2009
Random pictures~ :D
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:25 PM
It always gets me thing on where these owners of these shoes actually go. Weird .__. Oh yeah, shall blog about my outings with XueQi. :D After the sports carnival last Thursday, XueQi & I went to Bugis to purchase her shoes. After that, we went for a sumptuous meal! :D I had vegetarian food :D It's really nicer than real meat :X I was bloated after eating is plate of rice ^^ Looks really appetizing, doesn't it? :D We went totally berserk and guess what we ended up with? Our very own masterpiece! Waahh laa~ Alright, shall end here. Toodles~ :D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Life is not a bed of roses ; But a chompy sea
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 9:13 PM
I recalled Mr Low saying words of wisdom at a previous Geography lesson."Never be jealous of someone. Admire instead. When you are jealous, your heart is closed. When you admire, your heart is open and you learn." So admiring is SO much more better then being jealous. You will improve with time. I guess I should really learn to admire instead of being jealous, eh? I will benefit from it, instead of being sour.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 10:58 PM
Aww man, there's a Science test coming up tomorrow,and a maths test on Friday!!! D: I really haven't throughly studied for Science, I just don't have the drive to.. Sigh!! D:
Saturday, April 11, 2009
A summary of my weekend
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 11:59 PM
I gonna make this a 1 minute post!Cause my sister wants to use it.. ): Anyway, went to Maidai Cemetery yesterday to pay my respects to my grandparents.. Then went to a "kopitiam" opposite Ang Mo Kio MRT, somewhere in Ang Mo Kio Hub to have Chicken Chop!!! :D Just love western food <3 www.crazy-girl-life.blogspot.com LOLS :D (P.s: I have no time to digress on it!! D: ) I HAVE TO study for my science test tomorrow!! It's on effects & transmission of heat energy. So many stuff to remember!! ARGHHH!!! D: Alright. My sis is breathing on my neck now. Bye peeps!! :D
Monday, April 6, 2009
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 7:43 PM
Visited Zenna's blog, was bored, so decided to do this quiz! :D` 10 are you(s) ? 1. Are you single?- Yup. 2. Are you happy? - So-so. 3. Are you bored? - So-so. 4. Are you fair? - Which fair? Complexion ; Not really. Impartiality ; Most of the time. 5. Are you italian? - No. 6. Are you intelligent? - Most probably? Only in some aspects. XD 7. Are you honest? - Depends on the situation & people. (: 8. Are you nice? - I think? O.o 9. Are you irish? - No. 10. Are you asian? - Yeah! :D `10 fact(s) ? 1. Full Name - Lam Kar Poh. 2. Nick - Kay-poh? LOLS XP 3. Birthplace - Singapore General Hospital! :D 4. Hair colour - Black. 5. Natural hairstyle - Light curls. 6. Eye colour - Black. 7. Birthday - 2nd April. 8. Mood - Fluctuates XD 9. Favourite colour(s) - Black, White & Baby blue!! :D 10. One place you like to visit - Toilet. LOLS. Jkjk XD ` 10 things about my love life? 1. Have you ever been in love? - Nope. 2. Do you believe in love at first sight? - Not really. 3. Do you currently have a crush? - Er. I'm not sure. 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? - I don't think that counts.. 5. Have you ever broke someone's heart? - No? 6. Have you ever had your heart broken? - Not really. 7. Have you ever liked someone, but never told them? - DUH. Almost everyone does that! 8. Are you afraid of commitment? - No. I support commitment! LOLS. XD 9. Who was the last person you hugged? - HuiLian! I wished her good luck for SYF! :D 10. Who was this last person you said i love you to? - XueQi! :D ` 10 this or that(s)? 1. Love or lust? - Love :D 2. Hard liquior or beer? - Hard Liqour. Beer is bitter XP 3. Cat or Dog? - Dog! :D 4. A few best friends or many regular friends? - A few best friends. 5. Creamy or Crunchy? - Creamy (: 6. Pencil or Pen? - Pen! 7. Wild night out or Romantic night in? - Romantic night in!! :D 8. Money or happiness? - Happiness. 9. Night or day? - Night! 10. IM or phone? - Phone. ` 10 have you ever(s)? 1. Been caught sneaking out? - I don't sneak out! I walk out with pride! LOLS XD 2. Seen a polar bear? - Yes! At the Zoological gardens! :D 3. Done something you regret? - Lots. :/ 4. Bungee jumped? - No way. 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor? - Clean floor yes? Haha. 6. Finished entire jaw breaker? - This i really don't understand.. 7. Been caught naked? - Of course not! 8. Wanted an ex girlf/boyf back? - I don't think I will. 9. Cried because you lost a pet? - Yes! D: 10. Wanted to disappear? - Sometimes. `10 preferences in a partner? 1. Smile or eyes? - Smile :} 2. Light or dark hair? - Dark hair. 3. Hugs or Kisses? - Both :X 4. Shorter or Taller? - Taller! 5. Intelligent or Attraction? - Both too! LOLS. 6. Topman or Zara? - Zara? 7. Funny or serious? - Funny. HAHAHA. 8. Older or Younger? - Either the same or older. 9. Outgoing or quiet? - Outgoing! 10. Sweet or Bad? - Sweet :D `10 Have you(s)? 1. Ever perfomed in a large front of a crowd? - Yes. 2. Ever talked on the phone for long then 1 hour? - Yup. 3. Ever walked on hands? - What do you think? .__. 4. Ever been to a rock concert? - Nope. 5. Ever been in a cheerleading team? - Nope. 6. Ever been in a dance team? - Nope. 7. Ever been in a sports team? - Does one basketball practice count? :X 8. Ever been in a drama play? - Nope. 9. Ever owned a BMW/MercedesBenz/Escalade/Hummer/Bentley? - Course not. 10. Ever been in a rap video? - What do you think? .__. `10 last(s) 1. Last phone call you made? - Yesterday? Forgot >.<>! I wished her good luck for SYF! :D 3. Last person you hung out with? - XueQi in school just now! :D 4. Last time you worked? - I'm still a full-time student. 5. Last person you talked to? - Dad XD 6. Last person you IM'd? - No one. 7. Last person you texted? - Trisna (: 8. Last person you went movie with? - Trisna, PuiLeng, HuiLian, Madeline & HoYing. 9. Last person/thing missed? - Dog ): 10. Last website you visited? - 2G's blog :} Tag 10 people to do this : Anyone who is bored now. Just do it :D Done! :D Oh yeah, watched the Floorball match in the hall today. Bukit Merah vs Springfield. Springfield is so rough XP But Bukit Merah won in the end! 9 - 5!!! Congratulations to all Floorballers and also our school!! Nina, Zeema, Fateha & Ayeen did an excellent job! :D All the other players, the audience, and everyone who was involved in this match did a fantastic job too!! :D
Friday, April 3, 2009
My Birthday! :D
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:52 PM
Celebrated at night at home with my family. I got so carried away that I forgot to take a picture of my cake at the beginning!! D: Oh well, it's better than nothing :D I love Blackforest! :D Presents that I've received : This enormous box of ferrero rochers, with a piggy photo frame & a cute bookmark from Sabrina, PeiNi, Joyee, Shaalin, Mira, Pearline, Rachel Tan & Shirmine. Thanks a lot! :D I love chocolates! :D This cute lollipop keychain & pretty blue rose. All in my favorite colour! :D From YuanSiang, YanYie & Cheryl. Thanks a lot! :D This box of meiji biscuits from XueQi! :D Got loads of things to eat! XD Thanks a lot! :D Love it! :D It's just so cute that I HAD to hang it on my bag. XD Handy for clipping up my papers! :D Love the white heart! :D I would also like to extend my thanks to all others who have wished me a "Happy birthday" or a "Happy Belated Birthday"! :D Loves, Karpoh (:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Random stuff
Posted by KarPoh(: x3 at 8:15 PM
Dnt is quite fun ^^I serious need to find a way to avoid using the computer. Arghh. Okay, I'll log off after this post (: Thank you, PeiNi for wishing me happy advanced birthday on MSN. :D Subjects are getting much harder? Secondary two syllabus.. No wonder Suniza & Faiquh warned me last year about secondary 2 life.. It's just so hard >.< Anyway, tomorrow's my birthday. :D How time flies. :X |